We are not accepting applicants at this time!
To Apply:
Fall internship: September 3rd – December 20th
Applications are due 2 weeks before the semester starts
Spring Internship: January (3rd week) – May (3rd week)
Applications are due by October 31st
Summer Internship: May (3rd week) – August 16th
Applications are due by February 28th
The Bridge to Hope, a non-profit advocacy organization, offering a 20-40 hr/wk internship placement. Please visit the other pages on our website for more information about our organization.

This position provides a student with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in nonprofit operations, shelter and crisis intervention with potential opportunities for special projects depending on the applicant’s skills.
Interns will work part to full-time in various aspects of a crisis center and shelter. They will assist outreach and shelter clients reach personal goals, office required tasks, outreach and public awareness opportunities, fundraising, and other duties as assigned. The Bridge to Hope strives to facilitate an internship experience that will bring a mutually satisfying experience to both the intern and the organization. After the initial training period, we can work together on specific goals or educational pursuits for the intern.

A good candidate has/is:
Major/minor in related human services field, including but not limited to: Human Development and Family Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation, Social Work and also Education and Marketing.
Good communication skills
An independent worker
Ability to work with men, women and children of various backgrounds and status’
Competent with Microsoft Word, Publisher, Excel, and the internet in general
Good public speaking skills
Application Process:
Please email your application to brittanyo@thebridgetohope.org with the semester applying for in the subject line.
**Due to the sensitive nature of the work we do, all volunteers and interns must consent to have a full background check performed before beginning their work with us.
The Bridge to Hope relies on our volunteers to help us around our building and with our clients.
To help reduce costs, we are seeking professionals willing to donate
their time to the following items we are currently paying for directly:
lawn mowing/yard maintenance
snow removal
maintenance on our company vehicle
Do you have a specific talent and want to donate your time?
Community members are needed in the following areas:
grant writing
being a board/committee member

If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the application above and send it to manager@thebridgetohope.org